


Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck

With over two decades of expertise in maternal fetal medicine and a distinguished career in health leadership, Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck is a driving force in advancing women's health care.

Dr. Murphy-Kaulbeck has been a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist for over 20 years and is an Associate Professor at Dalhousie University.

She started her journey in healthcare with a diploma in nursing in 1986. From there, she earned an Honours degree in Psychology from the University of Ottawa, a Master of Science in Community Health and Epidemiology from Dalhousie University and a Master of Management in Health Leadership from McGill University. She received her MD from McMaster University and completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at McGill University, followed by a fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine at Dalhousie.

Dr. Murphy-Kaulbeck has been deeply involved in the SOGC for a number of years, serving on many committees and on the board of directors since 2019. She also previously served as president of the New Brunswick Medical Society and has been involved with several other provincial and national committees and organizations. At the Moncton Hospital, she has held leadership roles such as Department Chief of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Medical Director of the Women’s and Children’s Program.

Throughout her career, she has been committed to medical education and is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada’s Maternal Fetal Medicine Exam Committee. She was also involved in the establishment of Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick.

Dr. Murphy-Kaulbeck believes that a strong voice is required to advocate for women’s health and rights through the work of the SOGC.

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Diane Francoeur

Dr. Diane Francoeur has been a highly accomplished Obstetrician-Gynecologist for more than 30 years and as a fierce advocate for women and health care providers, she continues to serve her community as a practicing OB/GYN to this day.

Dr. Francoeur has been responsible for leading all specialties in Quebec as the health care system navigates the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic and understands the needs of women's health specialists throughout this difficult climate.

Dr. Francoeur was the CEO and served as the first woman president of the Federation of Medical Specialists of Québec (FMSQ), completing all mandates. She continues to work as an associate professor in the OB/GYN department at CHU Ste-Justine, affiliated with the University of Montreal and is a strong champion of women’s rights, physician’s leadership, and healthcare management.

She is a graduate of the Université Laval with a doctorate in medicine, completed the Director' education program at McGill University and graduated from Harvard University with a Master's degree in Health Care Management.

Dr. Francoeur's academic background has been a driving standard of care in her obstetrical practice and in the boardroom.

Board of Directors

The SOGC Board of Directors provides oversight for the governance and strategic planning of the Society. Dynamic, skill-based board members are nominated and elected by the membership at large.

The SOGC has a vibrant, multi-disciplinary Board of Directors for 2024/2025 from across Canada:

Dr. Amanda Black   Past-President / Présidente sortante 
Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck   President / Présidente 
Dr. Nicholas Leyland   President-Elect / Président élu
Dr. Hussam Azzam  Treasurer / Trésorier
Dr. Kim Butler   Director of the Board - Administratrice
Dr. Venu Jain   Director of the Board - Administrateur
Dr. Dustin Costescu   Director of the Board - Administrateur
Dr. Cynthia Maxwell   Director of the Board - Administratrice
Ms. Melanie Basso  Non-Member Director appointed by the Board / Administratrice non-membre nommée par le Conseil d’administration
 Ms. Genevieve Young Non-Member Director appointed by the Board / Administratrice non-membre nommée par le Conseil d’administration
Dr. Diane Francoeur Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Jocelynn Cook Chief Scientific Officer