Assisted Vaginal Birth MasterClass - Toronto

The SOGC (Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada) is thrilled to introduce its AVB Master Class, aimed at enhancing patient care and outcomes among obstetric care providers involved in forceps and vacuum-assisted vaginal births. This comprehensive course has been meticulously crafted to meet the demand for advanced education and training for obstetricians, rural family physicians, and senior residents proficient in various forms of assisted vaginal birth. This one-day course combines practical hands-on sessions focused on all types of forceps (routine and rotational) and vacuum assisted birth, expert comprehensive assessment in second stage, manual rotation, and pudendal nerve block. Interactive discussion workshops will explore an evidence-based and pragmatic best practice approach to the second stage of labour including AVB indications, contraindications, risks, consent and debriefing.


The SOGC has negotiated a group rate at the Hilton Toronto. Please use this link to reserve a room at the group rate. The last day to book is October 18th, 2024 or once rooms sell out. Book now to secure a room!

Disclaimer: The AVB Master Class is not designed to teach novice practitioners to independently perform procedures that are not already part of their care provision. This course is designed to build on existing knowledge, skills and attitudes to refine and optimize AVB to achieve the best possible outcomes.

12/1/2024 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time
Hilton Toronto 145 Richmond St W, Toronto, ON M5H 2L2 CANADA
Registration not available.

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